Ai Fitri Yuliani 10614628 3SA01 AWNLY BEAUTY Jl. Dewata 3 Telp/Fax : (021) 888768/876769 Website : , E-mail : Jakarta Selatan April 25th, 2017 To : All staffs Subject : Invitation for New Logo Discussing Through this letter, I want you to know, because of some conditions we have to change the current company logo. By knowing this, you are asked to make your own design for new company's logo. There is no specification for it. Therefore, you are free to make what you think good. You are also invited to have discussion about our new logo company on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at Awnly Beauty Meeting Room. It is in order to decide whose logo that will be our new company logo. I hope you will attend punctually and do not forget to bring your own logo. Thank you for your attention. General Manager Lul...