
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (Tugas 1: Kebudayaan)

The Article Sundanese Traditional Marriage Ceremony Marriage is a sacred ceremony that is expected of a lifetime. Many forms of marriage from the most simple form, and are complicated because it uses a traditional ceremony. As this Sunda wedding custom, rich culture can be seen also tatar Sunda through a customary ceremony tinged with humor but does not eliminate the feel of a sacred and solemn. There are several events that must be done for a wedding, from the application and others. There Neundeun By (Keeping Speech): Namely, talk a parent or interested party man marry a girl. In practice neundeun usual way, as follows: 1. The parents a visit to the prospective bride-laws (the bride). Talk in a relaxed atmosphere full of laughter, interspersed with occasional questions that are investigating the status if his daughter is applying for or already existing or still (have not had a girlfriend)  2. The parents (candidate-laws) so the answer was filled with full benyolan siloka  3. Al